Saturday, October 14, 2006


Joan Baez

She wrote in the dedication: "This record is dedicated to my father who gave my latin name and whatever optimism about life I may claim to have..." Joan Baez sings some latin songs in a really pretty way, songs about freedom, best times and hope!
I think this album contains probably the essence of the 60's revolution in a powerfull and nice way. Listen a song called Rossinyol (the Nightingale) wich is a popular catalan song with a very strong feeling. Enjoy that jewel!

Sunday, October 01, 2006



Here you have a good album called 'El jardí del temps'. That band from Manresa is one of the better catalan music groups... and that album is for me, the best. So I hope You'll enjoy it!

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Some bands....!

I write the name of some of my favourite bands from Spain:

English: Dover, Australian Blonde, Sexy Sadie, Najwa Nimri

Español: Los Planetas, Pereza, Manolo García (recomiendo el disco "Arena en los bolsillos"), Julieta Venegas, Molotov

Català: Sopa de Cabra, Gossos

Más nombres de grupos conocidos pero que no son del todo de mi agrado son:

Amaral, El canto del loco, Marlango (english), Pets (català), Lax'n'busto (català)

that's all for the moment. See ya!!!!

Monday, September 18, 2006


Sexy Sadie

Do you like good music?Do you like indie or alternative music? I put the link for one of my favourite music groups called Sexy Sadie. This album is called Butterflies and It's a great album, for me.
Remember, please; delete the files after you hear the music and buy the original album! You may find It in

This blog just want you to know this music group, so tell your friends about this great band! The link is;

Sunday, September 17, 2006


welcome to my world!

Wenas gente!Hi (for those who don't speak spanish)!
Lo único que quiero es publicar cosas, daros a conocer algunas cosas que a mi me parecen interesantes. Música, comentarios, links o lo que sea. Así que espero poder ofreceros este servicio próximamente....sólo pido un poco de tiempo para construir el blog....Así que nada, no os olvideis de visitar mi blog cuando podais!
Just to say that I hope to publish or to show you some interesting things...just give me some time to make my blog, thanks for your visit!see ya!

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